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News Archive

December 2021

We have prepared for you a new information sheet about our company and the products we manufacture and offer. Please contact us for more information.

PDF icon wega_lh_informacny_list_2021.pdf
January 2020

We are proud of our products and solutions.

Our extensive experience and continuous development enable us to deliver solutions for all types of organizations. From very small ones, for which we offer attendance records in our cloud system, to large-scale solutions.

An example is the attendance system for the Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family and all its branches throughout the Slovak Republic. In the centrally managed system with a two-way interface to the personnel and payroll system, 10,000 people are registered, who register their attendance using more than 145 ID card terminals and also through virtual reading units - web application.

We installed the system in 2015.

Are you interested in more information? Be so kind and contact us.

December 2019

In December 2019, 6 years have passed since the successful installation of the Attendance System Cloud version 1.x for 30 organizations in the founding position of the Self-Governing Region of Trenčín.

We did the installation together with our partner tnTel, s.r.o..

The system enables the so-called mandated processing system and thus provides a separate space for each organization involved in the project in one common database in the private cloud.

The SW is installed only on a shared server and provides all its functions via a www browser. In the buildings of the organizations, only reading units with TCP/IP interface are installed in the current number of 45 units.

We are very pleased that we designed, manufactured and installed the system correctly and that users appreciate its services.

May 2019

In days 21. - 24.5 2019 we presented our solutions in the 25th year of the international fair of electrical engineering, energetics, eletronics, lighting and telecommunications

ELO SYS 2019

which has taken place on the Agrocomplex exhibition ground in Nitra simultaneously with International machine industry expo, which makes it the biggest industrial fair in Slovak republic.

We thank the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO, for enabling us to be a part of their stand, which has been provided for slovak manufacturers. We also thank everyone who has decided to attend our presentation.


May 2019

Vážený obchodný partner,

srdečne Vás pozývame na 25. ročník medzinárodného veľtrhu elektrotechniky, energetiky, elektroniky, osvetlenia a telekomunikácií

ELO SYS 2019

ktorý sa uskutoční v dňoch 21. 5. – 24. 5. 2019 na výstavisku Agrokomplex v Nitre súbežne s Medzinárodným strojárskym veľtrhom, vďaka čomu to je najväčší priemyselný veľtrh v SR.

March 2018

Spoločnosť WEGA LH, základe získania finančných prostriedkov zo zdrojov EÚ a to cez Operačný programu Výskum a inovácie, prioritnú os: PO3 – Posilnenie konkurencieschopnosti a rastu MSP, Investičnú prioritu: 3.3 – Podpora vytvárania a rozširovania vyspelých kapacít pre vývoj produktov a služieb, a špecifického cieľa3.3.1 – Zvýšenie konkurencieschopnosti MSP vo fáze rozvoja, s kódom výzvyOPVaI-MH/DP/2016/3.3.1-04 pre projekt "Inovácia produktu firmy WEGA LH – významné zlepšenie produktu dochádzkovo-prístupového systému", ktorého poskytovateľom je Ministerstvo hospodárstva ako sprostredkovateľský orgán pre operačný program Výskum a inovácie (ďalej len „SO“ alebo ,,MH SR“) konajúci v zastúpení Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky ako riadiaceho orgánu pre operačný program Výskum a inovácie a prostredníctvom Slovenskej inovačnej a energetickej agentúry (SIEA)...

August 2017

August 2013

From 01.08.2013 You can hear on the radio Sport and our advertising spot :-). We wish you a pleasant summer

January 2013

Putting a new version of the attendance system suitable for the cloud.Still does not record attendance of their employees electronic system? Nothing is easier ...       ... utilize professional online system from WEGA LH.Take advantage of years of experience, knowledge and stability Slovak producer of attendance systems in accordance with current legislation. Contact us

PDF icon WEGA LH_INFO_2013001.pdf
February 2011

After more than 15 years of successful development and deployment of the first and second generation of our Identification System WIS date 31.12.2011 finish support for all versions of 1 Generation Identification System WIS / D and 2 Generation Identification System WIS / W. Catering System Credit / W support to 31.12.2012.

PDF icon WEGA LH_INFO_2011001.pdf



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